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The new power of Youth printmaking - the first Yunnan University Students' printmaking exhibition opened in the library of Yunnan Art University

Jul 5, 2024

On July 3, 2024, at 10:00 a.m., the "New Power of Youth Printmaking—The First Yunnan University Students' Printmaking Exhibition" and the "Academic Seminar on Teaching Creation in Universities," jointly sponsored by Yunnan Arts University (YNAU) and the Yunnan Artists Association, were inaugurated at the YNAU Library. The attendees include Mr. Yan Zhong, Vice Chairman and Secretary General of Yunnan Federation of Literary and Art Circles; Mr. Ouyang Junhu, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and President of YNAU; Mr. Chen Jinsong, Vice President of YNAU and Vice Chairman of Yunnan Artists Association; Mr. Wang Jiancai, Vice President of YNAU; Mr. Lang Qixun, Vice President of YNAU; Mr. Hao Ping, former Chairman of Yunnan Artists Association and famous printmaker; Mr. Guo Wei, Vice Chairman of Yunnan Artists Association and Professor at Yuxi Normal University; Mr. Dai Jie, Vice Chairman of Yunnan Artists Association and President of Fine Arts School of Yunnan Normal University; Mr. Bai Jieyun, Secretary General of Yunnan Artists Association; Mr. Sun Hua, Dean of the Fine Arts and Design School of Wenshan University; Mr. He Kui, Curator of Art Museum of Baoshan University.

The exhibition, organized by the Fine Arts School of YNAU and the Printmaking Committee of the Yunnan Artists Association, was co-organized by 13 universities across Yunnan Province. The exhibition showcased 150 student artworks from these 13 universities, from which 30 award-winning pieces were selected. Among the awards, 5 were for academic achievement, 5 for innovation, and 20 for excellence. The leadership, and teacher and student representatives of the Fine Arts School of YNAU, along with disciplinary heads and teacher representatives from the Fine Arts School of Yunnan Normal University, the Fine Arts School of Yuxi Normal University, the Arts School of West Yunnan University, the Arts School of Pu'er University, the Fine Arts and Design School of Wenshan University, the Fine Arts and Design School of Baoshan University, Changxin International College of Art of Yunnan University, the Fine Arts and Artistic Design School of Kunming University, and the Arts School of Zhaotong University, attended the event.

Chen Jinsong, Vice President of YNAU, delivered a speech to celebrate the successful exhibition and extended his gratitude to the Yunnan Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the Yunnan Artists Association, the Yunnan Provincial Teaching Guiding Committee for Fine Arts in Colleges and Universities, and the partner institutions for their longstanding trust, care, and support. He stated that the exhibition and seminar aimed to provide a platform for exchange and learning in printmaking education among colleges and universities in Yunnan Province. This initiative seeks to collectively explore innovative methods and future directions for printmaking education. Additionally, he noted that YNAU intended to use this opportunity to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with sister universities and various societal sectors. By sharing resources and undertaking joint missions, YNAU aimed to accelerate the development of an art education and teaching system that reflects Yunnan's unique characteristics. Its ultimate goal was to contribute to the flourishing of socialist culture, supported by strong talent and high-quality artistic creation.

Sun Hua, Dean of the Fine Arts and Design School at Wenshan University, delivered a speech on behalf of the participating institutions. He highlighted the dedicated efforts of generations of printmaking educators at YNAU, which have nurtured a significant number of remarkable printmaking artists in Yunnan and across China. This groundwork has solidified the influence and academic standing of Yunnan's printmaking community within the larger context of Chinese printmaking art. On behalf of the participating colleges and universities, Dean Sun Hua expressed his sincere gratitude to the Yunnan Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the Yunnan Artists Association, the Printmaking Committee of the Yunnan Artists Association, and his Alma Mater—YNAU.

It is reported that the exhibition will last for 13 days from July 3 to July 15.