Brief introduction to universities

Oct 13, 2020

Atma Jaya Yogyakarta University


The name Atma Jaya came from Sanskrit. Atma means spirit, and Jaya means superior or excellent; thus Atma Jaya means superior spirit. UAJY’s dream has always been establishing higher education based on morale values.



UAJY currently has 6 faculties with 11 undergraduate programs and 5 postgraduate program, including 4 international class for the undergraduate program, with a number of students approximately 11,307 students; supported by 6 professor, 58 doctor, 206 master and 6 graduates as permanent lecturer. UAJY is also supported by lecturers from specialist to professionals in their own field, local and also internationally. All undergraduate and postgraduate programs have been accredited by BAN-PT (Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi ;national higher education accreditation organization).


Develop academic community in a smart and critical way to help protect and improve human values and also cultural heritage through education, research and also other services that are given to local community, national and also internationally with the spirit of serviens in lumines veritatis (service in the light of truth).

UAJY will always give its efforts in creating a culture in organization that is capable in building a community with human resources that have the capability and high commitment in accordance to the vision and mission of the university, and alumni that is capable in competing not only nationally but also internationally. The university will also put its effort in creating a network of cooperation with other party in national and also international level.


Institute of Indonesian Arts and Culture


Institute of Indonesian Arts and Culture, Bandung (Indonesian: Institut Seni Budaya Indonesia Bandung, abbreviated as ISBI Bandung), is a state, arts and cultural-oriented educational institution located in Bandung, Indonesia.

ISBI Bandung was founded in 1968, replacing Dance Conservatory (Konservatori Tari (KORI)), Art Academy of Indonesian Dance, Bandung (Akademi Seni Tari Indonesia (ASTI) Bandung) and Indonesian Art College of Bandung (Sekolah Tinggi Seni Indonesia (STSI) Bandung). It became the first and only arts institute in BandungIndonesia and teaches performing, visual and media arts.

The institute possesses three faculties: Faculty of Performing Arts, Faculty of Art and Design and Faculty of Cultural and Media