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Blossoming Youth, Soaring Aspirations | Live from the "920" Freshman Welcome Gala!

Sep 21, 2024

Blossoming Youth, Soaring Aspirations | Live from the "920" Freshman Welcome Gala!

"920" Freshman Welcome Gala


On September 20 at 7:30 p.m., the 7th annual "920" Freshman Welcome Gala, themed "Blossoming Youth, Soaring Aspirations", was held at YNAU's football stadium. The event was attended by the school's leadership, heads of various departments, academic unit leaders, freshman advisors, homeroom teachers, newly hired faculty for 2024, and all incoming students of 2024 (including undergraduates and postgraduates).


The golden autumn is ablaze with splendor.

New students gather, celebrating this grand event.

With hearts full of joy, we head to the hall of arts.

Every detail has been carefully considered, filled with love and dreams.

Join us for a delightful art experience.






Band Performance (Music School)

Above, the sky is crystal clear, its radiance as brilliant as the undying flame in the hearts of countless students, igniting a fervent atmosphere in an instant. The drumbeats pulse with ardent passion, melodies soar and stir the soul, guitar strings quiver with anticipation, and voices ring out with unbridled freedom. Youth chases dreams, basking together under the moonlight, penning a glorious chapter in YNAU's history.




Traditional Chinese Music Performance: Galloping War Horses (Music School)

The stirring melody, like a thousand horses galloping, perfectly synchronized with the racing steeds on the screen. The powerful notes resounded like hoofbeats, striking deep into our hearts. We were transported to vast grasslands, feeling the spirit of valor and fearlessness, inspiring us to chase our dreams boldly on our youthful journey.

"Blossoming Youth, Soaring Aspirations": the "920" Freshman Welcome Gala

01 Music School and Dancing School: Spring Breeze Over Ten Thousand Miles



Spring breeze travels ten thousand miles, bringing ten thousand good tidings. On this new journey, the Music School and Dancing School brought Spring Breeze Over Ten Thousand Miles to all viewers. Melodious voices filled the air as dancers in red moved like passionate flames, while those in green embodied fresh sprouts. Through song and dance, we felt the warmth of spring, ready to set sail with our dreams.

02 Film and Television School: You at the Film and Television School of YNAU



A canvas of youth was put on display where light and shadow intertwined. In this short film, students expressed their unique selves, shining like brilliant stars. The pipa solo Ambush from Ten Sides followed, with its gripping melody resonating like war drums, stirring the soul. Harmonizing with the edited visuals on the big screen, the Monkey King's unyielding spirit in adversity showcased courage and perseverance, inspiring us to forge ahead.

03 Music School: Blang Folk Son 



Students from the Music School, adorned in vibrant ethnic costumes, performed Blang Folk Song. Their voices flowed like clear springs through our hearts, while their attire unfolded like a vivid scroll, showcasing the unique charm of ethnic culture. Deeply appreciating the beauty of national heritage, we drew strength to sail forward, riding the winds and breaking waves towards distant horizons.

04 The Design School: Sowing and Reaping




A moving poetry recitation traced YNAU's journey from nascence to maturity. Sand art illustrated the step-by-step construction of YNAU. These images, crystallizing countless efforts and sweat, shone like stars. The performance paid homage to the past while envisioning the future.


05 School of Arts Management, Music School, Film and Television School, and Street Dance Society: Youthful Vitality





With upbeat music, Youthful Vitality burst onto the stage, featuring performers from the School of Arts Management, Music School, Film and Television School, and Street Dance Society! They moved to the beat, their high-energy performance challenging the quiet night. Their hair flying, spirits soaring, their passionate dance broadcast the signal of youth. Spinning and leaping, these vibrant youngsters on stage never ceased their dynamism!


06 Dancing School and Music School: Chinese-Style Youth



General Secretary Xi Jinping once advised young people, "Contemporary Chinese youth are born in the right era, with an unprecedented stage to showcase their talents and incredibly bright prospects to realize their dreams." The Dancing School and Music School demonstrated how to live out this Chinese-style youth. Facing towering waves, we never retreat. We reject comfort, make wise choices in our youth, and sound the clarion call of youth with vigor. The sky is high, the sea is wide—we refuse to waste time!

07 Fine Arts School: Art Education Nurtures the Heart





Where the motherland needs us most, youthful aspirations shine brightly. A group of people, with knowledge as wings and art education as a bridge, venture deep into the mountains to sow dreams and hope. The Fine Arts School's skit Art Education Nurtures the Heart portrayed this scene. With talent as a foundation and belief as a guide, they walked steadily, interpreting the faith of youth in a new era, jointly painting a beautiful landscape.

08 Drama School: Ethnic Flair, Costume Charm





Light and shadow intertwined, and drum rhythms resounded. The stage elegantly blended the ancient charm of traditional ethnic costumes with modern fashion's sleek air, slowly unfolding a scroll that transcended time and space. Deep yellow, serene blue, and fiery red converged into a colorful stage, presenting a visual feast.

09 School of Arts Management: Youth




Following the footsteps of our predecessors, we gently touched the warmth left by candlelight a century ago, pursuing the brightness of yesteryears to ignite the hearts of thousands of young people a hundred years later. The May Fourth patriotic spirit was rooted in our souls; the youthful candlelight had never dimmed or extinguished. It flickered, conveying grand aspirations. Some wrote to spread it far and wide, others recited loudly, eloquently telling an ageless chapter. Word by word, music lingered, like an eagle soaring through the sky. The passionate spirit of youth stirred the soul, as the patriotic spirit was passed down like a torch.

10 National Defense Reserve Unit: Battle Hymn of the Strong Army



A battle song rang out, its melody passionate, each word resounding. It cleansed the heart, plucked at heartstrings, through spring and autumn, uniting hearts and strength. It sang of patriotism, praised courage in the face of danger, using powerful vocals to profess a deep love for the motherland. The soldiers seemed to carry mission and honor, with their steps being firm as they marched in song. The song expressed the wish for a strong country and army, with the passion for building the motherland deeply embedded in hearts, unforgettable.


11 Dancing School: Cradle of Life





On our motherland's soil, fifty-six ethnic groups bloomed together; fifty-six ethnic groups worked in unity, living in harmony with nature. An award-winning ethnic dance came to life on stage. Accompanied by melodious singing, light dance steps and flowing skirts created an ethereal scene, as if fairies were dancing. It wasn't just a dance, bringing an unforgettable aesthetic experience, but also embodied the joy of ethnic unity and the vision of friendly exchange with nature.


12 Higher Vocational Education College and Ethnic Cultural Exchange Society: Today is a Good Day


As Chinese, our roots ran deep in our land and our nation. As students, we looked back at our history and ahead to the future, starting from the present moment. Even as we studied tirelessly through frigid winters and experienced the full spectrum of life, we remained true to ourselves and never backed down from challenges. Where the spring wind blew, dust couldn't settle. "Today is a good day" was a simple phrase, but it carried a spark of enthusiasm and a yearning for the future, inspiring new students to chase their dreams.


13 Drama School: Deep Affection in the Sea of Music





"In the ocean of knowledge, teachers are the guiding lighthouse, and students are the sailing ships braving wind and waves. The bond between teachers and students is that undying light connecting hearts and illuminating the journey of dreams." Teacher Li Qinghai trained countless students at YNAU for over 30 years. He had witnessed the growth of YNAU students, personally planting trees that had grown into forests. Now, under the same flag, dreams of several generations converged, determined to become accomplished people.

14 Ethnic Art Research Institute and University-Level Student Organizations: Vast Territories



Vast Territories showcased a prosperous era. Through its melody, we felt the motherland's glory, while the gesture dance displayed youthful vigor. Students conveyed emotions through hand movements, praising the motherland and conveying responsibility. It wasn't just a visual feast, but also a spiritual resonance. With youthful vitality, they interpreted their love and praise for the motherland's beautiful landscapes. Every gesture was filled with a deep understanding and inheritance of patriotic sentiment. May the new students shine brightly like the red sun during their school years.

15 Music School and All Performers: Realizing the Chinese Dream Together



Young, talented people soar with ambition, jointly building dreams and composing glorious chapters. In the boundless sea of knowledge and with diligence as our vessel, we bravely shoulder the Chinese Dream. Youthful passion pours onto this land. Ideals spread like sails in all directions. Hand in hand we advance to create brilliance. It's our generation's duty to realize the Chinese Dream. This song, Realizing the Chinese Dream Together, not only voices the dream of the Chinese nation and its rejuvenation but also expresses the aspiration of Chinese youth to strive upwards and jointly build the Chinese Dream.

Revisiting the highlights, we preserve memories in our hearts.

Twilight descends, with soft rays of the setting sun.

Full of anticipation, teachers and students enjoy the event together.

Capture brilliance with camera shutters.

Lenses paint fleeting moments of light and shadow.

Behind-the-scenes workers attended to every detail,

wholeheartedly writing a brilliant chapter on September 20.







Tonight, young people gather together, and dreams set sail from here.

Hearts full of hope, our ambitions set on distant horizons.

Not wasting the prime of youth, we must cherish every moment.

With dreams stretching endlessly, we will embark on a new journey together.

Our hearts glow brightly, treading the new path of art together.

Let's press forward with courage and make achievements.